Monday, July 11, 2022

I am Back to Blog

 Hello my blogging community. It has been very long while since have posted on this site. Sometimes life takes a turn that you have little control of, and that is what happen to me. 

My life, though some of my Facebook followers may know. the last several years have been attending to my wife in and out of the hospital. During that period of time, I learned a great deal about the importance of what we put into our bodies, especially what we drink.

My time now again, is to share some of those important experiences as well as backed up studies that may be useful, to validate what I have to say.

For those readers not knowing my story, my wife did pass away, and now I feel it is time to get back to sharing what I have learned in the past several years.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Orange Juice

  FDA Halts Orange Juice Shipments Over Carbendazim Banned in the United States

January 11th, 2012

Today with the concerns of traces of chemicals showing up in our drinks more often than not, it seems only a matter of time that another drink, orange juice in this article, is being examined, It was just a short time ago that our Apple juice was under scrutiny. Orange juice is a common drink, a favorite of mine.that perhaps many would agree with as well. Why is Orange juice now under fire of the FDA?

The FDA Announced...

They  have temporarily halted all imports of orange juice.This was prompted by fears that  orange juice being imported,especially orange juice imported from Brazil, contains traces of carbendazim.


Carbendazim is a widely used broad-spectrum benzimidazole fungicide.The fungicide is used to control plant diseases in cereals and fruit, including oranges, bananas, strawberries,and pineapples It is also,to those who may not know, this is being controversially used in Queensland, Australia, within macadamia plantations. A 4.7% solution of carbendazim hydrochloride is sold as a treatment for Dutch elm disease
Studies have also found that carbendazim causes infertility and destroys the testicles of laboratory animals. Carbendazim was included in a biocide ban proposed by the Swedish Chemicals Agency and approved by the European Parliament on January 13, 2009.

 Soon as studies linked Carbendazim  to increased rates of cancers and infertility, an outright ban of its use on American oranges was soon enacted. Nevertheless, carbendazim is still legal in Brazil, and the European Union allows foods to contain up to 200 parts per billion of this fungicide.
Reports that an FDA spokeswoman said that an unnamed juice company's testing found levels up to 35 parts per billion of the fungicide.  However despite this being far below the EU's maximum residue level of 200 parts per billion, the FDA officials weren't concerned about the safety of orange juice. It seems  more or less the opportunity for increasing the testing to make sure that contamination wasn't a problem.

The FDA will indeed move forward...

To take measures to remove tainted orange juice off store shelves if its testing uncovers unsafe levels of carbenzadim. Also the FDA is also screening orange juice that's already for sale in the U.S. market because some juices are a mixture of imported and domestic juice. The for imported orange juice that tests at carbenzadim concentrations of 10 parts per billion or higher will be refused or destroyed.

The overwhelming majority of orange juice consumed in the U.S. is produced from domestic oranges, though Bloomberg reports that Brazil produces almost one in every six glasses of orange juice consumed, according to CitrusBR, an export industry association.

Todays Comments

Today we must certainly be concerned with what we eat and drink as our health has been linked to many chemicals that are known to provide adverse health consequences. Orange juice is simply one of those drinks that is loaded with health could be dramatic if we now find chemicals in our OJ that is of no benefit, but harmful! Thank goodness most of the orange juice we drank is from our own country,

Further Reading

"Fungicide maker in birth defect storm".
Sydney Morning Herald
 "Interpretation of criteria for approval of active substances in the proposed EU plant protection regulation".
 "MEPs approve pesticides legislation"


Monday, January 18, 2010


I think every one who is seeking a healthier sugar, or a sweetner, may be looking upon stevia lately as the answer.

Amongst the endless HARAH! RAH! of all the good and bad articles published on sweetners of the past and the present, a couple have stood out as pehaps the sweetner of the future.

Today Health Drinks would like to address REB A, which is know as Rebaudioside A. This is a sweetner which comes directly from the leaves of the stevia plant. This Stevia Rebaudiana plant, grows naturally in South America. The people there have been using the leaves of this plant for their sweetening  for hundreds of years. It is scientifically known as steviol glycoside rebaudioside A.  This substance is extracted from the leaves of this herbal plant and Reb A is manufactured.

Rebiana is only one of many of the sweet substances that can be extracted from the stevia plant, it is not to be confused with the stevia. Its sweetening power is incredibly intense, Stevia extract powder is typically about 300 times as sweet as regular sugar. Rebiana is also very sweet; at least 200 to 300 times the sugar.
It is considered to have one of the best and sweetest flavors of all the different steviol glycosides.

Rebiana can be found on under the trade names PureVia and Truvia. This product should  receive strong emphasis on the fact, it comes from a plant,and is a natural sweetener. This should become appealing to  those who are aware of the potential dangers of non-natural artificial sweeteners.

Todays health benefits, it contains zero calories, smaller amounts reguired, allowing blood sugars to be beneficial for those with diabetes. RebA helps prevent bacteria forming in the mouth whichs prevents plaque and fewer cavities.This would allow us to use this product in many of our favorite drinks.

In conclusion Todays Health Drinks found this sweetner worth considering for a healthier life.
For a Healthier Life Today

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Yes, NoT Milk TOO!

I was really saddened but not really surprised in my recent quest to seek out what I have really been drinking ( the fine print). I am sure some of you will be amazed as well.

Todays health has become more and more important to some of us, who for several years, paid little or no attention to what we ate or drank. It was pretty much, as the old joke from the past... the see food diet, what we saw and liked we ate or drank.

Now as an old farm boy, who grew up from a child, on a Grade A Dairy... Milk was my one drink that I was litterally addicted to. In the beginning of my youth I learned how important it was to take good care of the cows, cleanliness of barns, disinfectants used to control bacterias, the feed given to the cows, and general wellfare of the cows.

In those days we had our milk inspected before the truck picked up the milk, and our farm was one of the top dairies in the country. Our family was proud of the product we delivered. We specialized in a product for the dairy we sold to, for butterfat, so we we had to maintain a higher level of milk to ship. ( Golden Jersey Milk)

Our neighbors would come from all over to buy our milk...knowing that they got the real thing, and knowing no surprises would show up in the milk.

Now today one would call our milk, Raw Milk or Organic... It was the real Stuff for centuries... before man started to intervene.

The modern age of supply and demand, greater population, less area for the Dairy farmers, continued rising costs of feed, equipment, costs staggering to operate, has forced many who were once in this business are now, no longer. This leaving those who are left to carry the production load.

What does this have to do with MILK? Everything!

Check out Milk's Secrets Now!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Green Tea

Todays featured Drink... GREEN TEA

Todays health drinks becoming more and more popular, there are those who are searching for that drink, lower in carbs, and health benefits as well.

There has been research both in Asia as well as the West, giving us Strong evidence of this drink( green tea), and its benefits.

This article is not to get into the technical evidence, but maybe at a later date, but to give you an overview of green tea and its benefits. So after some research and those technical researches, here are some views and facts that might be beneficial to your health.

A study in the past has indicated that green tea has reduced the risk of esophageal cancer, another concluded that the green tea inhibits the growth of cancer cells. yet another research indicated that drinking green tea lowers total cholesterol levels, and improving the ratio of good (HDL) cholesterol to bad (LDL) cholesterol.

With further review, other researches, indicated other medical benefits from drinking Green Tea. They proclaimed that green tea can inpact, rheumatoid arthritis, impaired immune function, infection, and cariovascular disease, as well as the ones already mentioned.

The secret of green tea lies in the fact it is rich in catechin polyphenols, especially epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG).
EGCG is a powerful anti-oxidant: not only inhibiting the growth of cancer cells, it destroys cancer cells, without harm to the healthy tissue. By lowering the LDL cholesterol levels, the latter takes on added importance when you consider that thrombosis (the formation of abnormal blood clots) is the leading cause of heart attacks and stroke.

Yet another illustration of its effects of drinking green tea, and the French consuming a diet rich in fat, yet have a lower incidence of heart disease than Americans. Of course, the answer was found in red wine, which contains resveratrol, a known polyphenol, that limits the negative effects of smoking and a fatty diet.

A study at the University of Kansas, determined that EGCG was twice as powerful as resveratrol. This is perhaps the reason why heart disease among Japanese men, being low, even though approximately seventy-five percent are smokers.

What sets green tea apart is... how it is processed. The green tea leaves are steamed, preventing the EGCG compound from being oxidized. On the other hand, black and oolong tea leaves are made from fermented leaves, resulting in the EGCG being converted into other compounds that are not nearly as effective in health prevention.

There is also evidence leading to green tea and diets, as well as helping to combat tooth decay, leaving these for another article.

Just as a reminder that you should always read the fine print before you consume, leading to the article just published.

Click here for more info on Drinks and the Fine Print

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Todays Health Drinks

Todays Health Drinks ... Hello and welcome to Todays health drinks.

This blog will being covering, as the name implies, health drinks. Look forward to your comments and questions you may have regarding the topics that will be posted shortly.

For other informative Todays Health information Click here